Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I have lost Amy's, Kirstin's and Danielle's blog addresses. Will someone please send them to me, please.

Where have I been?

I have gotten so hung up on Facebook I have slacked off on my blog. I am sorry. I will get some new puppy pics up soon.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Melissa Etheridge Reaction to Prop 8

"So, will anyone be sleeping better tonight? Those full of hate and fear will surely be disappointed that 18,000 same-sex couples will be living in wedded bliss, kissing their spouses goodnight, checking off those little 'married' boxes on all those forms we fill out nowadays.

That’s really going to drive them crazy. Then there are those of us like me who still dangle in 'domestic partnership.' We can adopt our own children, but we can’t bring our partners who might be citizens from out of the country, here. We can’t file joint tax returns. I could go on. Who will be happy tonight?

"How do I explain this to my children? 'Well, you know Ellen? She is married, but Mommy and I are not.' That is liberty and justice for all? I am hopeful as I see more and more states turn to the inevitable future of equality, California will get there. Change takes time."

— Melissa Etheridge on the California supreme court's decision to uphold Prop. 8

Friday, February 27, 2009


I am alive and kicking in the cold and snowy south. We have had 2 snow's this winter(maybe another this weekend) I had my knee replaced in November and am 90 percent. Walking is sooooo much easier.
Dad is doing great. He go out on the golf course 3 time this month. His friends are coming down in March for there golf outings.
They are planning a trip to Ireland sometime this year.
I haven't taken many pictures but the dogs are doing great.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trick or Treat

Loco, Tater and Rebel in their finest. And no one is brave enough to dress Sugarfoot

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Loving Animals

http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ARS_linktous_text01">Click here for an easy and free way to help care for those in need at The Animal Rescue Site!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My Great Aunt Clara passed away last Friday. She was 98 years young. While we have lost a beautiful lady, heaven has gained a great angel.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mom & Dad & puppy, too

We welome to our family Loco. He is brown(red) Boston Terrier. As with all Boston's he has 2 speeds wide open and sleep. I got these while he was heading to the sleep time.
As I said my dad is in remission. I think he is looking GREAT!!!! Love ya both.